2022 Bible Camp Scholarships
Grace Community Church is excited to announce that we are once again offering Summer Bible Camp scholarships for kids who will be completing 1st-12th grades. Please contact the church at info@graceonline.net for more information about camp scholarships.
Shamineau Camp Packets (registration form, medical form and permission slips) need to be completed and turned in May 31st. Camps fill up quickly, return your registration forms as soon as possible to secure a bunk. CLICK HERE to print off the Shamineau Camp Form. If you’d like to register online, please email info@graceonline.net for instructions.
Special opportunity: we have a special opportunity for those completing 3rd-9th grades to attend our E-Free camp, Camp Shamineau, in Motley, MN. Specifically, for Summer Camp Week 2, from June 26-July 1.
Those completing 9th-12th grade will be heading to Camp Shamineau July 17-22 for the Encounter Senior High Camp. Due to the generosity of the camp and our scholarship donor, high school campers will not have a cost for camp.
Rides can be provided but you must let us know if that is needed.
Additional spending money for the week (not required) needs to be sent directly to the camp so that the church does not get charged for it.
For Shamineau camp only: we will once again have chaperones who have agreed to transport you from Grace Community Church on June 26 to Camp Shamineau, for the week, at no additional cost to you. We will be having our Summer Party Service in Centennial Park that day. Please arrive at 9:50 am. You will be picked up from camp on July 1st and brought back to Grace Community Church. Your ride should pick you up promptly at 7:30 pm on Friday, July 1st.
Camp Shamineau Highlights: Activities at the camp include archery, canoeing, crafts, fishing, leather shop, nature center, riflery, sailing, skateboarding, sports, swimming, wakeboarding and waterskiing. Availability varies by week and age.
Additional Activities throughout the week include a one-time experience on the zip line, the rock-climbing wall, a trail ride or paintball during free time. Other free time activities are - Around Camp: archery, ball-field games, campfire donuts, crafts, and snack shop (you will want additional funds for snacks but all main meals are included in your camp fee). Find more at www.shamineau.org/summercamps
What to bring to Camp:
Clothes for all types of weather
Extra pair of tennis shoes
Sleeping bag/twin size bedding
Dirty clothes bag marked with your name
Swimsuit (no two pieces/speedos/modest tankinis are ok)
Beach/bath towels/Washcloth
Bathroom toiletries
Bug spray/sunscreen
Optional items include:
Bible, Notebook & pen, Ball gloves, Flashlight
Please write your name on ALL your items.
ELECTRONICS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT CAMP (I.E. MP3 Players, iPad, Tablets, Computers, cell phones).
Any medications need to be in a zip lock back labeled with your name.