Wednesdays at 6:00 am - Meet at Hy-Vee
Wednesdays at 7:00 am - Meet in Adrian
Fridays at 6:00 am - Meet at Blue Line
Men’s Fellowship Group also meets the first Saturday of the month in the church kitchen (2011 Nobles St), from 8 am-10 am. Breakfast is provided. Call 507-343-7920 for more details.
Of course, we are also going to have some fun together. There will be downtime for board games and hanging out. There will be broomball, shooting clay pigeons, and blowing things up with tannerite. So bring a shotgun. More details below.
Location: Lost Timber Bible Camp – Chandler, MN
Schedule: Friday 6 pm - 9 pm & Saturday 8 am - 3 pm
(you can also come just for Saturday)
Cost per person: $40 for overnight OR $25 if you’re not staying the night (please let Pastor Scott know if finances are an issue)
Deadline: Register by January 26th.
What you should bring:
Outside clothes for the cold.
Bedding, clothes, a towel, and toiletries for the overnight if you are staying the night.
Bible and pen
Shotgun and box of target load ammo if participating in the clay shoot (needs to stay in your vehicle per camp policy).
Any snacks and non-alcoholic drinks you want to supplement meals.
We are partnering with other area E-free churches for a Men’s Retreat on Jan 31 and Feb 1 at Lost Timber Bible Camp. This is a great opportunity for us men to pause and grow together in courage and integrity as men of God. The ways of the Enemy are invading our culture, homes, schools, and workplaces. The Devil is seeking to turn away and destroy the next generation. It is proven that when men are thriving in Christ, then marriages, homes, and communities will thrive as well.
Joe Smith, founder of Broken Strength Ministries will be our speaker. Joe has decades of experience leading men to courageously live out their God-given design as well as helping them experience their redemptive potential in Christ. In addition, Joe has been instrumental in helping men be released from addiction and bondage to sexual sin or pornography. Joe has been married for 54 years and has served in various leadership roles like, Area Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Athletic Director and Head Basketball coach for University of Northwestern St Paul.
Over the course of 3 sessions Joe will be leading us through “The Call of Christ”
1. Who is calling you? And who are you called to be?
2. What mission is Christ calling us to as men – and What are some of the obstacles?
3. What are the results if we (daily) submit to Christ’s yoke and what is our “battle strategy”
Our mission is to disciple and equip the men of Grace for their roles as men of God by doing life together in spiritual friendships and discipling relationships.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
We stand on this verse. The principle given here is that men need the encouragement, teaching, fellowship, and modeling of the Christian life from other men.