21 Days of Fasting & Prayer will kick off on Sunday, March 30!
In our sermon series on Romans this year, we have been unpacking “the transforming truth about God’s grace.” Grace changes everything and it especially changes us! As we approach Easter, we would like to take some time as a congregation to fast and pray together to grow in living out Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection in our lives. We will use this time to seek the Lord for His power to change us and to grow in deeper dependence on Him, so that He might have more of us and that we might have more of Him.
We will be fasting and praying together from March 30 – April 19. Your participation is completely voluntary. We will take this time to seek Jesus to restore our priorities; to seek breakthrough from habitual sins and destructive patterns; to seek reconciliation in broken relationships; to seek healing for wounds; to seek God’s provision for certain needs; and, ultimately, to seek the Father for a deeper relationship with Him. We are doing this a church family because we see it modeled in God’s Word (Nehemiah 1:4-11; Ezra 8:21-24; Isaiah 58; Joel 2:15-16; Acts 13:2, 14:21-23).
We are letting you know of this in advance to give you some time to think and pray about: 1) if you will choose to participate, 2) how you will do your fasting and praying personally or as a family, and 3) what you will be seeking the Lord for during this time. If you have never participated in a time of prayer and fasting or need some direction, take a look at the guidelines below and read the scriptures above.
Let us know if you have any questions or need assistance as we begin this journey together - info@graceonline.net or call 507-343-7920.